Quick Reads
Check it out! Grenade Or Aid? How much money does the military spends on weapons and aid? Check it out ;)
Also I owe you another day of valuable information, as promised, here it is, this one's about the current price of gold compared to the today's top products and some other stuff.
Two money-related infographics! Enjoy! And as always, the credit goes to http://www.columnfivemedia.com, the creators of the above pictures! Check them up for more!
And the today's song by Kashmir - The Cynic
Enjoy and have a great weekend!
Remember I do not own the pictures or the song, just sharing with you guys!
34 comentarios:
That's some really interesting info about the gold - cocain 3x the cost of gold wow crazy...
I'm going to spread these pictures around, this was great.
:O I just wanted to say, I just found your blog and it is amazing... I loooove infographics! So, thanks for posting all of this info :)
im liking the song man
grenade info. was very interesting, I liked it cuz I'm WWFan!
that is a little shocking to know!
I've never really liked the US government thinking ...
hehe awesome
Woow, that's something to think about, definitely.
That's very interesting.
Good informational post! And thanks for the nice song too.
Pretty nice song.
Yeah. The US spends so much on Military. Because we have the money to do so for one; two, no one else spends that much on equipping their military, making us the strongest force in the world still; three, we have unspoken and classified projects that a good chunk of that budget covers, keeping the rest of the world safe.
Interesting information. I've never hear about thinks from it.
These are great pictures for info. Wasn't too surprised on the info, but good to see semi-facts : -p.
Great pics :D
Good infopics, I like the gold one
Great infographic, but unfortunate info :(
some crazy stuff to think about there
some crazy stuff to think about there
Very simple, yet effective blog choice. Awesome, I will definitely check up every day for your new tips. Thanks for the blog mate.
God damn! I guess you have to spend that much to be the best...
the payton manning thing got me a few chuckles
Damn, I'm loving this blog, lots of tutorials, and how to's of life... Love it!
awesome blog!
nice infographic about gold!
Wow thats a lot of military spending, I think it should go towards research instead ;) cool blog going to follow.
damn, shit sucks
Keep them coming mate!
Pretty much imbalanced.
too risky of an investment for me
Awesome... now I feel depressed so early in the morning.
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